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Welcome to our "Health and Well-Being" category, featuring engaging plays for elementary students that promote essential topics of wellness, self-care, and emotional intelligence. These thoughtfully crafted scripts serve as powerful tools in performance arts, enabling young actors to explore themes such as friendship, feelings, and healthy lifestyle choices in a fun and relatable way.

Through performing these plays, students not only entertain but also develop vital social skills, such as empathy and problem-solving, as they portray various characters and scenarios. Each play encourages discussions about mental and physical health, fostering an understanding of important concepts that support personal development.

Integrating these health-focused plays into your curriculum enhances students' awareness and appreciation of their own well-being and that of others. By choosing our "Health and Well-Being" category, you provide valuable learning experiences that inspire confidence and resilience in the next generation of leaders, all while enjoying the joy of performing together.

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THE JUNK FOOD KING by Glenda Slater THE JUNK FOOD KING by Glenda Slater

Middle and Lower Grades; 1 male, 1 female, 7 male or female; 20 minutes. The out-of-shape King gets help from the Prime Minister, a dietician, and physical trainer to slim down, get in shape, and eat more healthful foods. Complete with a song in rap—just say no to pie, cake, greasy burgers, and sugary shakes!

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