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THE JUNK FOOD KING by Glenda Slater THE JUNK FOOD KING by Glenda Slater

Middle and Lower Grades; 1 male, 1 female, 7 male or female; 20 minutes. The out-of-shape King gets help from the Prime Minister, a dietician, and physical trainer to slim down, get in shape, and eat more healthful foods. Complete with a song in rap—just say no to pie, cake, greasy burgers, and sugary shakes!

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AN ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE, by Henrik Ibsen and adapted by Paul T. Nolan AN ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE, by Henrik Ibsen and adapted by Paul T. Nolan

Upper Grades; 10+ actors: 8 male, 2 female, and extras for townspeople; 30 minutes.

A courageous doctor fighting for the environmental health of his community and the safety of visitors faces violent backlash from friends and neighbors who are more interested in making money.

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